“From Stray to Snuggle Buddy: Heartwarming Four-Month Reunion of a Pup and His Former Owner”

Twinkle the dog was sadly returned to the rescue center after living with her new family for four months. The reason for her return was due to her desire to share the bed with her new parents. Previously, Twinkle was found wandering alone on the streets of Miami and brought to Mission where she received the necessary love and care to recover from her skinny and unhealthy state, including her rotten teeth.

Lisa Letson, the founder and president of True and Faithful Pet Rescue Mission, revealed that after undergoing surgery, the cute dog had to spend a couple of weeks at the vet’s office for proper recovery. While recuperating, the dog started gaining weight and transforming into an adorable furry companion. Lisa happily disclosed that the pooch was eventually adopted by a loving family in early September who seemed perfect for her.

Over the holidays, the rescue center got an email from Twinkle’s owners saying they wanted to give her up after only four months. They claimed that Twinkle was too noisy at night because she wanted to snuggle in their bed. Even though they had other older Chihuahuas who didn’t mind sharing their bed, Twinkle just wasn’t a good fit for them. So, they decided to return her to the rescue center.

Madison Mulvihill, who serves as the social media coordinator at True and Faithful Pet Rescue, shared that Twinkle was feeling heartbroken and bewildered. In the main dog room, Mulvihill discovered Twinkle sitting alone on a dog bed in a corner, visibly trembling with fear. Twinkle had a perplexed look on her face and was feeling dejected. Her previous owners had abandoned her by just leaving her over the fence upon her return. Twinkle kept glancing back at the fence, making it tough to comprehend why someone would leave her in such a cruel manner.

All Twinkle wanted was a warm and comforting evening surrounded by her family and friends. Sadly, this wish couldn’t be fulfilled, leaving her filled with sadness and disappointment. The rescue team empathized with her and felt just as heartbroken. Twinkle had quickly captured their hearts since her arrival, and the thought of someone abandoning such a precious soul left them dumbfounded.

According to Mulvihill, Twinkle is more than just a cute little dog. Despite her small size of only three and a half pounds, she has a delightful personality that wins everyone over. She craves attention and will gladly come to you for some love and affection. Watching her tiny hops on the grass is an absolute delight, and she loves nothing more than a good cuddle. Twinkle is also great with other dogs and is well-behaved on leash walks. Whenever she wants some attention, Twinkle will signal it by pawing at your hand.

After Twinkle returned to the shelter, her companions uploaded a TikTok video about her story, hoping that someone could relate to it. However, they were shocked when the video went viral, and Twinkle quickly became an internet sensation. As a result of numerous adoption requests, Twinkle is now ready to go to her forever home. Her new family includes six other dogs and a king-size bed where she can enjoy all the affection and love she deserves. Mulvihill, the caretaker, is confident that Twinkle will finally experience true love and spend the rest of her life happily with her new family. All Twinkle wants is to give and receive love, and she has finally found someone who accepts her just the way she is.

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