The Stunning Super-Sized Sapodilla Fruit in Crimson Glory

The ‘super-giant’ sapodilla fruit was opened, surprising many people because it was not only “huge” in size, but also had a fancy red color inside.

Recently, on Tiktok, there have been many fruit tonic clips, from coconut, jackfruit, durian, watermelon, to papaya, sapodilla… These clips always attract the attention of many netizens because satisfy the curiosity of the viewer.

Ripe ‘super giant’ sapodilla (source: Tiktok @miamifruit)

When opened, people were surprised because not only the size “terrible” but the sapodilla fruit also has a fancy red color. (source: Tiktok @miamifruit)

On the post, accompanying the video, this TikTok account asked netizens: “What do you call this fruit? Where are you from?” (Where do you live? What do you call this fruit?).

as it turns out, there are many kinds of fruits that are familiar in our country but extremely foreign to international friends. in particular, sapodilla is also considered a strange fruit to many foreigners.

The clip, after being posted, has attracted a large number of viewers, receiving many likes and comments.

Many foreigners after watching the clip do not know what this fruit is, because this fruit looks like a mango but the skin is dark brown.

and netizens in our country confirmed that this is sapodilla. However, many people are surprised to see such a large sapodilla for the first time. in particular, when cut out, the inside of sapodilla fruit has a beautiful red color. The rather large, black seed also makes people excited.

Observing in the clip, it can be seen that on the tree there are many other sapodilla fruits that are also “terrible” in size, many times larger than normal sapodilla.

after watching the clip, netizens asked each other what kind of sapodilla is and where to buy it?

sapodilla is a fruit not too strange to Vietnamese people. southerners also call this fruit jam, sapoche or sapoche – from its French name “sapotier”. sapodilla is a woody, perennial plant native to southern Mexico, Central america and the Caribbean.

The red flesh of sapodilla is very large, so it is attached with 2 words “giant”. (photo: GiadinhNet)

sapodilla fruits are globose or elongated ovoid, 4-8cm in diameter and contain 2-10 seeds. When ripe, the skin and flesh of sapodilla are brown, very fragrant, soft, cool and sweet.

However, many people say that the “super-giant” sapodilla in this clip belongs to the red-fleshed sapodilla.

according to the Central seedling institute, red-fleshed sapodilla originated from Thailand and was first grown in some southern provinces of our country. This sapodilla variety is hardy and gives a very high yield. a red sapodilla fruit can be 17-20cm long and very heavy. The smallest fruit is about 400g, the largest fruit can weigh more than 2kg.

When planting red sapodilla, usually after 2-4 years, it will be harvested.

The red-fleshed sapodilla has an eye-catching and attractive color when added. (photo: GiadinhNet)

a special feature of this sapodilla variety is its beautiful red flesh. its taste is also particularly delicious, smelling like almonds. externally, red-fleshed sapodilla has the same color as our sapodilla.

Not only having huge size, beautiful appearance and delicious taste, red sapodilla also contains a lot of nutrients beneficial to health.

according to advertising on some websites, the price of red sapodilla fruit is sometimes 30 times more expensive than regular sapodilla.

The price of red sapodilla seedlings is also very expensive. in 2018, when Thai red-fleshed sapodilla appeared in the Vietnamese market, this variety was sold for 1-1.3 million VND/plant. Currently, this variety is for sale at a price of 200,000 – 400,000 VND / tree depending on the size of the tree, large or small.

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