Delighted Owner Reunited with Missing Rabbit Found Alive in Unexpected Place

Grace discovered her missing rabbit, Sharon, nestled inside her couch after being gone for almost a month. Sharon had disappeared from Grace’s backyard in inner north Melbourne while she was busy doing laundry. Despite her extensive search efforts, Grace couldn’t find any signs of Sharon’s whereabouts. Grace expressed relief that Sharon was not harmed by a passing car or taken by a predator.

Grace’s pet rabbit Sharon (pictured) went missing from her backyard in north Melbourne

Grace was devastated when her pet rabbit Sharon disappeared from her backyard in north Melbourne. She quickly took action by posting an online ad and distributing flyers in her neighborhood with the help of her housemate. After 22 days of searching with little success, Grace was losing hope until a friend surprisingly found Sharon while getting ready to settle down on her couch for the night. Grace shared, “She seemed almost annoyed at us for discovering her whereabouts.”

A friend of Grace's found Sharon (pictured) alive after she was missing for 22 days while preparing to sleep on the couch

One of Grace’s friends stumbled upon Sharon (pictured) alive and well after she had been missing for 22 days, apparently getting ready to snuggle up on the couch for a nap. Sharon was obviously dehydrated and looking thinner, but she had managed to survive by nibbling on the duvet. Concerned about any potential health issues, Grace wasted no time in getting a vet to check Sharon over. Luckily, the pet rabbit has been safely returned to her outdoor home, and Grace has made sure to bid farewell to the couch that temporarily became Sharon’s hideout. Grace remains puzzled by Sharon’s silence during her unexpected adventure, considering rabbits are known to be quite vocal. “I’ve seen those videos of screaming bunnies, but Sharon didn’t make a peep,” Grace chuckled.

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