Big Bunny Hugs: Meet Jester, the Massive 20lb Rabbit Obsessed with STRICTLY Come Dancing and Living the Good Life in His Own Bedroom

Jester, the massive 20lb rabbit and avid fan of Strictly Come Dancing, is so huge that he has his own bedroom upstairs in his owner’s home. Lyn Hobson, who is 60 years old, considers her bunny Jester, who weighs as much as three chihuahuas, to be like her own child. At just 18 months old, this spoiled rabbit is already dabbling in the world of modeling, but his true passion lies in watching his favorite TV show, Strictly Come Dancing.

Jester, a 20lb pet rabbit, is a Continental Giant, one of the largest breeds of rabbit, and is so large he has his very own bedroom upstairs in owner's house. Pictured with owner, Lyn

Meet Jester, a hefty 20lb pet bunny who belongs to Lyn, a lucky owner who resides in Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire. Jester is no ordinary rabbit – he is a Continental Giant, one of the largest rabbit breeds out there. In fact, he’s so big that he has his very own bedroom in Lyn’s house. Jester pretty much rules the roost in Lyn’s home, with free rein to roam wherever he pleases. He’s got not one, not two, but three cozy beds spread out around the house for his lounging pleasure. Lyn can always count on Jester to be by her side, following her around all day long. And when it comes to relaxing, Jester loves nothing more than lounging on the sofa and catching up on some Strictly Come Dancing. Lyn, a retired chef, loves sharing photos of Jester on social media. As a result, Jester has gained quite the following, with fans reaching out from all corners. One fan even happens to be a rabbit-loving author! Thanks to Lyn’s social media posts, Jester has landed some exciting gigs, including gracing the cover of an educational book and starring in his very own children’s story. Lyn is hopeful that Jester’s newfound fame will lead to more modeling opportunities. She’s gone ahead and created a profile for Jester on a website where he could snag some more work in the future. Who knows, maybe we’ll be seeing more of Jester’s fluffy face in the modeling world soon!



Lyn Hobson, aged 60, from Linconshire, who resides near Scunthorpe in North Linconshire, describes her pet rabbit Jester as being extremely pampered and adoring the television show Strictly Come Dancing.

Jester has his own bedroom upstairs in Lyn's house, which is full of his toys and hay (pictured). He has a litter tray to go to the toilet and Lyn said he is so well trained that he 'never makes a mess'

Jester has his own cozy room upstairs at Lyn’s place, complete with his toys and a comfy bed of hay. Lyn mentioned that he is so well-behaved that accidents are never an issue. According to her, Jester is the ideal companion anyone could ask for. She describes him as caring, relaxed, and always on his best behavior. Lyn adores him so much and spoils him as if he were her own child. Wherever she goes, Jester is right there with her, whether she’s watching TV or cleaning up. He’s quite the social bunny. Lyn, a mother of one, shares her home with her husband, Peter, a former serviceman. Jester joined the family at a very young age, purchased from a breeder in the North East on April 1st of the previous year, hence his name. She made sure to train him well so that he could live indoors instead of in an outdoor hutch like most pet rabbits. Jester is so well-mannered that he freely roams the house, even pausing to wipe his paws before coming inside from the garden. With three beds scattered around the house, including one in his private room directly opposite Lyn and Peter’s, Jester is living the good life with his toys and hay. Lyn thinks it’s amusing that not many people have a Continental Giant as a pet, but she couldn’t be happier with her gentle giant.

He has begun a career in bunny modelling and has posed for the front cover of an educational title

Jester even starred as the main character in a children's book

He recently embarked on a journey as a bunny model and has already appeared on the cover of an educational magazine and starred as the main character in a children’s storybook.

The gentle giant bunny is so well-behaved that he has free roam of the house and, according to Lyn, before entering the house from the garden he even wipes his paws

The sweet and well-mannered giant bunny has the run of the house and even wipes his paws before coming in from the garden, according to Lyn. People always marvel at his size when they see him, and he has a magnetic charm that draws everyone in. Lyn mentioned that he has been featured in two books, making him a bit of a celebrity in the rabbit world. Perhaps he will take on more modeling gigs next year, particularly around Easter when things get busy. The Continental Giant, also known as the German Giant, is a breed of rabbit originally raised for meat. The largest on record measures 4 feet 4 inches long, and the heaviest weighs an impressive 53 pounds.

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